BufferWrapper- Opensource/Freeware - pure JavaScript arbitrary bitlength RSA calculator
Demonstration page:
Arbitrarily Large Prime Tester/Random Generator (Miller Rabin)
-Utilizes ArrayBuffer and DataView to store arbitrary uint8 buffer data
-Can store and process numbers in any base from 2-255
-Custom bitwise and uint32 compatible math functions
-All math functions necessary for RSA implementation tested functional for even bases up to 128
-Includes: MillerRabin primality, Newton Prime Seive, Greatest Common Denominator, lossless modInverse,
                square root, PowMod, Simple Primatives, Prime Factors, Lowest Common Multiple,
                Pollard Strausen Factorization and much more
-Originally written to process E2E encryption for
-Novel ArrayBuffer system designed to thwart AOB, Injection and cache attacks
-integrated testing assures new edits don't break the system
-in active development for extention, optimization and code cleanup